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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My review of “Avatar”

Best movie I have seen in my whole life! I was in awe from the very first opening shot all the way to the end of the movie, let me just say this YOU NEED TO SEE IT IN 3D! You have too! It is worth the money! DO IT!
I kept thinking about how this hits home a little because I am Aboriginal and with talking a few history classes I know what happened here in Canada and America to the natives when we were forced to Assimilate, this movie was powerful and moving to show that kind of parallel on screen. ! I love movies that make people think outside of all their little boxes. It is a way to stop thinking about ourselves as different, we are all one species, and because people in general think of qualities such as race as a way to qualify each other or make out everyone’s SES is why humans have never been able to live in peace. Once humans realize that we are the problem maybe we can start to learn how to work together. I love this movies message and that it keeps alive the discourse that needs to be on everyone’s minds all the time. Movies like this remind me that the human race is too young of a species to ever find life within the universe because we cannot accept or respect each other and the world we live in. This movie is a simple reminder of what we have done already and what we are still capable of doing.
I took my five year old daughter, and she sat through the entire movie with her mouth open it was wonderful to see her engaged in this new world that she automatically felt at home in! Both my daughter and I were dazzled by this new world that was vibrant and imaginative, we believed in this world’s magic and beauties, the creatures of this world were wondrous and magnificent! James Cameron you are my hero

Sigourney Weaver is sexy, smart, and tough. When I see her on screen I just feel at home and at ease, especially because seeing new actors on screen makes me nervous. It’s like going to a stranger’s house and not knowing how the people there are going to make you feel, and then you see your best friend, oh thank you Sigourney Weaver.
I always get nervous when I go see a movie that leads a new actor that I have never seen, I am used to my veteran actors that make me feel conferrable because you know their work and I just love them. I am always worried that a new actor will make the movie suffer because I can always see a different person playing that roll so much better and that was certainly not the case with Sam Worthington he was a pro! Sam Worthington was born to play that part, he was Jake Sully, and he was the ultimate John Smith.
This takes me to Zoe Saldana our Pocahontas, beautiful, captivating, and luminous she lit up the screen and not just because she was blue but her acting and own personal beauty shined through! She was brilliant!
Stephen Lang, my daughter said it all for me as soon as she saw him on screen “Wow, he’s tough”. Michelle Rodriguez is honourable yet dangerous, she is feminine and sexy, and she is gives a new meaning to the word cool! I love seeing her on screen every time she is on screen it doesn’t matter how long she is on for you just can’t keep your eyes off of her and you always want more! Giovanni Ribisi no matter what roll he plays he owns it and he is good at it, whether he is a good or bad guy I just love seeing him on screen he makes the scene enjoyable to watch, just because he has this quality about him where you want to like him no matter what. Joel Moore was funny, smart, and was the one of the best supporting actors that re-affirmed all the emotions you were feeling in the movie. All the other actors in the movie did an amazing job as well, I have to go and find out when I get to watch this movie again, so please go and enjoy this movie!

Monday, December 21, 2009

My review of “Everyone’s Fine”

I love Christmas movies, the spirit of giving and the one time of year that people seem be the least selfless of all. I found a Christmas movie that is real and passionate. This movie was beautifully written by Kirk Jones, Massimo de Rita and et al. To some it may seem slow for the first quarter, but I happen to love when I get submerged into the characters routine in their everyday life it gives better insight to their character. I do not want to spoil too much for people that have not yet seen it but, when you find movies that touches upon a subject that is as real as this one, where the family is just not as close as they used to be it makes the movie all that more relatable. A major break down in any kind of relationships is a lack of communication, and in this movie you see the consequences of this. Frank Goode (Robert De Niro) is a parent like many out there, he just wants the best for his children, and he tries to provide the best future for all of them the only way he knows how (I found his occupation witty and honest, it nicely tied in with the rest of the script). One thing that I really love about Frank is that even though his children lie to him he knows something is going on, and like any smart person he knows his boundaries and does not push too hard for the truth he just simply tries to understand why they are lying to him. This movie moved me and made me cry so hard, all the actors in this movie played each and every single roll admirably and made the movie complete with their amazing skills. This movie will move you and make you want to put up with your family more on a daily basis. This movie will remind you that your family may be flawed but their imperfections are what make them beautiful and at the end of the day you do love them no matter what.

What this is about for me

I wanted to just throw my ideas out there and see if anyone agreed, and if you don’t all the better because I think there is no better way to learn than from disagreement! The title of my page is what I am passionate about, movies, and survivor (Of course my family but outside of that). I think it is crucial to have something outside of your daily life that you can escape to! I think is so amazing to see people’s ideas come to life. To be able to educate yourself in everything you do just by getting ideas from watching television or watching movies is fascinating to me. I would like to take my favourite quotes and personalities and share what I have learned from them so I can free myself of these thoughts so I can see life from many different perspectives. My view of the world is ever changing and I hope that even if I can have one person to look and think differently for one minute then I will be happy. Kinda an FYI, I will take extreme views that I have and try to prove a point threw something that is small and light hearted so there is some kind of equilibrium within my thoughts.